Staying Fit and Healthy Over the Festive Season: The Gusto Guide

The holiday season is upon us, and for many, it's a delightful time of year. But it can also be a testing period when it comes to staying fit and healthy. With all the festive feasts, parties, and tempting treats, it's easy to lose sight of your fitness goals. As a coaching facility, we’re here to provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to stay fit and healthy during Christmas and the New Year. Let's ensure you don't undo all your hard work in the gym during the holidays.

1. Set Realistic Goals

Before diving into the festive season, it's crucial to set realistic goals. Understand that the holidays are a time to enjoy, indulge, and celebrate with your loved ones. Don't set yourself up for disappointment by expecting perfection. Instead, aim to maintain your current fitness level and avoid excessive weight gain. Focus on daily movement and healthy habits and choices.

2. Maintain a Consistent CrossFit Schedule

Stick to your regular training schedule as much as possible. The holidays can be busy, but your workouts should remain a priority. Plan your training sessions in advance, and if necessary, adjust your routine to accommodate holiday commitments.

3. Active Family Time

Take advantage of the opportunity to spend quality time with family and friends while staying active. Suggest outdoor activities like hiking, playing sports, or going for a walk or run together. This way, you can enjoy the holiday spirit and maintain your fitness

4. Eat Mindfully

Indulging in festive treats is part of the holiday fun, but that doesn't mean you should throw caution to the wind. Practice mindful eating by savoring your favorite dishes and desserts without overindulging. Choose smaller portions, focus on high-protein options, and load up on vegetables to help control your calorie intake.

5. Stay Hydrated

Amid the beer and mulled wine, don't forget to drink plenty of water. Staying hydrated is crucial for overall well-being and can help control your appetite, making it easier to resist overeating.

6. Plan Healthy Holiday Meals

If you're hosting holiday gatherings, take the lead in planning the menu. Include healthier options and consider substituting ingredients to make traditional dishes more nutritious. For example, use whole grains instead of refined grains and reduce added sugars.

7. Avoid Excessive Alcohol

Alcoholic beverages are often plentiful during the holidays, but they can contribute to unwanted weight gain. Enjoy your drinks in moderation and choose lighter options or mocktails to limit your calorie intake.

8. Mindful Dessert Choices

When it comes to desserts, opt for healthier alternatives when possible. Fresh fruit, yogurt parfaits, or dark chocolate-dipped fruit can satisfy your sweet tooth without derailing your fitness goals.

9. Plan Meals

Allow yourself a few well-earned ‘unfavourable’ meals during the holiday season, but plan them in advance. Choose specific occasions when you'll indulge, so you can enjoy the experience without feeling guilty.

10. Stay Accountable

Having a fitness community can be a tremendous help during the holidays. Stay accountable by sharing your goals with your Gusto buddies, friends and family. You can even organise holiday fitness challenges to keep each other motivated.


Staying fit and healthy during Christmas and the New Year is entirely possible with a little planning and mindfulness. Remember that it's about balance, not deprivation. Enjoy the festive season while making smart choices to maintain your hard-earned fitness progress. Your fitness journey can continue, even during the most delightful time of the year.

Cheers to a happy, healthy, and active holiday season!

The Gusto FitHub Team


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